Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Saltwater and Freshwater Habitats

During today's science lab, students observed similarities and differences between saltwater and freshwater habitats.  They analyzed the effect that saltwater has on freshwater plant species, as well as experimented with the buoyancy of various objects in both types of water.  Here are just a few photos of our fun in the lab!


Please also note that we will have a "biomes" vocab quiz next week (4/29), which will contain both science and social studies vocabulary.  Next week is an exciting week with both Jekyll and Field Day, so please remind your student to study for his/her vocab quiz as well.  Thanks so much for all that you do!

Mountain—a land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill
1.Folded Mountain—a mountain of sedimentary rock made when 2 of Earth’s plates push together and wrinkle
2.Fault-Block Mountain—a mountain with sharp, jagged peaks that forms when 2 of Earth’s plates pull against each other and become brittle
3.Dome Mountain—a mountain that looks like an upside-down bowl and occurs when magma pushes up on the Earth’s crust, but is unable to break through
4.Volcanic Mountain—a mountain formed when molten rock, ash, and gases erupt through a vent in the Earth’s crust and pile up
Deserta very dry, often sandy area with little or no plant growth
Islanda body of land that is smaller than a continent and is completely surrounded by water on all sides
1.Barrier Island—a long, narrow, sandy island that protects the mainland from storms and erosion (Jekyll Island is a barrier island.)
2.Volcanic Island—islands that are formed by underwater volcanic activity (The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic islands.)
Grasslanda large area of land that is mainly covered by grasses and has very few trees or shrubs  
Rain Forest—a thick forest of trees and heavy undergrowth that receives a large amount of rainfall throughout the year
1.Tropical Rain Forests—warm rain forests found near the equator that are known for their unique plant and animal species 
2.Temperate Rain Forests—forests that receive a large amount of rainfall, but do not have warm temperatures year-round (California redwood forests are examples of these.)
Ocean—the huge expanse of salt water that covers approximately three quarters of the earth's surface.
Adaptation—a process or trait that allows a plant or animal to be better suited to live in its environment 
Endangered—describes a species of animals whose numbers are so low that it may one day become extinct
Extinct—an animal species that no longer exists or has died out
Habitat—a special place where a plant or animal lives  

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