Thursday, March 26, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Language Arts-
Spelling:  today you are taking the Spelling test.  It should be easy for you.  Click HERE to complete the online Spelling unit 25 test.
1.  Read chapter 5 "Five Days" pages 33-38.  Click  HERE to read along with me.
2.  Mark the vocab word "laboriously" on page 37.


Science / Social Studies-

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Language Arts-
Spelling- Get someone to call your words out to you. The online test will be tomorrow.
1. Click HERE to complete the online comprehension check for  Mrs. Frisby chapters 1-3.
2. Read chapter 4 "Mr. Fitzgibbon's Plow" on pages 27-32.  Click HERE to follow along with me. Mark the vocab words.  They are shrew (page 30) and illogical (page 32).
3.  Make a reading log entry for today.  Title it "My Favorite Character".  Who is your favorite character?  Write a short paragraph telling us who your favorite character is and why.  Remember you need an introduction sentence (to tell us who it is), at least 3 detail sentences (that would be the reasons you chose the character), and a conclusion sentence.

Math-Look at

Science / Social Studies

Grandparents Day Fun:  Even though we aren't able to have our special school day honoring our Grandparents, you can still let them know how much you love them.  See if your parents will allow you to give them a call or make them a card to put in the mail.  Hopefully, we will be able to celebrate with them soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Language Arts-
Spelling:  Build a pyramid for each word.  Remember that you will have an online test on Friday
1.  Read chapter 3 pages 20-26 in "Mrs. Frisby".  It is titled "The Crow and the Cat".  Click here to read along with me.  Mark the vocab word authoritative (page 24).
2.  Open your fable packet to the page titled "An original drawing of Mrs. Frisby and the Crow".  Click here to do your own drawing on the page provided.  To begin, put the tip of your pencil in the center of the page and then move it just a little to the right.  Hold it there.  That's where the tip of your pencil should be when the video begins in order to fit everything on the page.

Math-Look at

Science / Social Studies

Monday, March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Language Arts-
Spelling:  Choose 5 words.  Write a sentence for each.
Reading:  Today you will need your book and your reading log.
1. Read Mrs. Frisby chapter 2 pages 12-19.  Click here to read along with me.  Look for the vocab words "delirious" and "pneumonia".  Underline them when you see them. After reading this chapter you should know the name of Timothy's sickness and what the "remedy" is for this sickness.  Who told him what his sickness is and how to get well?
2. Open your Reading log.  Find the last entry for the Fable unit.  Use the next clean sheet to make a divider.  Label the divider "Mrs. Frisby".  Turn to the next page.  Write the date on the top right corner and write the title on the top line.  The title is "Mrs. Frisby".  Write a short paragraph to introduce this book.  Remember to include an introduction sentence (that tells what we are reading), detail sentences (maybe name the characters, setting, and problem), and a conclusion sentence (this may be a good place to make a prediction).

Math-Look at

Science / Social Studies

Co-Curricular Bingo March 23-27

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Language Arts-
Good morning!  Click here for a video before you start Language Arts today.
Fable Writing:  Take our your Writer's notebook and turn to where you began your Fable writing project.  Click here to complete a score sheet. This score sheet will be your grade for the Fable Writing Project.
Spelling:  We are working on unit 25.  Use a sheet of notebook paper for this week's work. You will have a short Spelling test online this Friday. The word for this week are:  snow, rain, suddenly, easy, leaves, industries, avenues, wishes, quizzes,  and lives.  For today write each word 3 times (2 times print, 1 time cursive).
Reading:  We are beginning Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.  You will have some comprehension checks as we go.  For today:
1. Look over the list of vocab words for Chapters 1-7 that's in the Mrs. Frisby packet.  There's a quizlet for practice on the right sidebar.
2. Click here to read along with me.  We are reading chapter 1 titled "The Sickness of Timothy Frisby" on pages 3-11 today.  Look for the vocab words abandon, delirious, rancid, protruded, furrowed, and authoritative.  Underline them when you see them. 

Math-Look at

Science / Social Studies-

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"  Psalm 118:24

Happy Friday!  Enjoy your weekend!

1.  Complete Journal page 232.
2.  Play the game Angle Race on the Everyday Math online site.

Language Arts-
1.  Spelling- Get someone to call the words out to you.  Do you know how to spell them?  We won't have our regular test this week, but you will need to know how to spell them for future tests.
2.  Fable writing- Read your fable to someone.  Tell them the moral to your story.  Ask them to rate your fable.  On the bottom of your paper, write the name of the person you read the fable to and what they rated your story.

Science/Social Studies-
Look at

Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's a GREAT day to be a GREAT day!

1. Complete Journal page 231 (Math Boxes 7.2).

Language Arts-
1.  Spelling- Build a pyramid for each word
2.  Fable Writing project- Use notebook paper.  Write your final draft.  Make all corrections as you go.  Use your best cursive handwriting.  Do not skip lines.  Put it in the "Grammar" section of your binder when you are finished.  This will be graded another day.

Science/Social Studies-
Look at


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"  Philippians 4:13

1.  Complete Math Journal page 227 (Math Boxes 7.1) and page 230 (#6-13)
2.  Practice basic multiplication facts your favorite way.

Language Arts-
1.  Spelling- choose 5 words.  Write a sentence for each of those words.  Use capital letters and end marks correctly.
2.  Use the login information Mrs. Hollingsworth sent you for Discovery Education and watch "Pendomonium: Unnatural Selection". It is about using quotation marks correctly when using dialogue.
3.  Read over the first draft of  your fable.  Did you include dialogue and use quotation marks correctly?

Science/Social Studies-

Look at

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Good morning!  Today begins a new adventure in learning!  Each day you will find the day's assignments posted here.  Be sure to complete the assignments that are posted each day in a timely manner, so that you don't get behind.  Assignments need to be completed on the day they are assigned in order to be ready for the following day's lesson. We love you and hope you have a great day!  Here we go!

1. Today you will need to complete Math Journal page 228 (be sure to use the diagram at the top of  the page for help).
2.  If you have extra time log in to the Everyday Math site and play the game Equivalent Fractions.

Language Arts-
1.  This week you should be completing Unit 24 in Spelling.  Use notebook paper for your work.  Today you should write each word 3 times (2 times in print and 1 time in cursive).  The words for this week are:  sat, possible, real, heart, simple, unable, reread, dissatisfied, discover, recover     
2.  Fable writing project-  Today you are editing your 1st draft. Reread the 1st draft.  Make sure it is a complete story with a beginning, middle, and an end (use the Voyages book pages 222, 223, and 232 if you need some reminders of what should be included).  Then, read it and use editing marks to correct capital letters, end marks, and misspelled words.  Once you have finished editing your story, your work on the fable is done for today. 

Science/Social Studies-
Look at