Thursday, December 14, 2017
Library News
Monday, December 11, 2017
The 4th graders are so excited about leading chapel on Thursday at 12:05! Parents, we would love for you to join us. Please remember to leave seating up front for students; you may sit behind the 3rd grade classes or in the middle-back sections of the wings.
Children should continue working on their chapel lines at home. We are also asking all students to wear their RED uniform shirts on Thursday since it is a Christmas-themed chapel. Thanks so much!!! The 4th Grade Teachers
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Christmas Update
The Christmas crystals are in, and they look beautiful! Stop by our 4th grade hallway to see them on display!
We are sooooo excited about tomorrow's Christmas presentations at 1:00 and 7:00! Remember, boys and girls, to dress in church-appropriate Christmas apparel. We can't wait to watch you perform!
Monday, December 4, 2017
Digestion Quiz
Remember that completed Borax crystals are due on 12/6. The ones we have received so far are beautiful!!!
Rock Candy Recipe
We hope the Borax crystal ornaments are coming along nicely at home. Remember they are due on 12/6.
Many of your children have expressed an interest in growing other types of crystals at home. We are including a link HERE and also under important documents in case you are interested in trying these rock candy crystals at home for fun or as a family activity over Christmas break. Enjoy!
Friday, December 1, 2017
Mrs. Putnal's December newsletter
Lower School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
November 30, 2017
Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is
to educate and equip students
to change the world for God’s glory.
Elementary Christmas program
is Thursday, Dec.7th at 1:00 and 7:00 pm. The title of this year’s
program is “ The Wonder of Christmas.” All children in 1st - 4th
grade, as well as 5th grade Chorus members, will dress in dressy
Christmas wear. No jeans.
5th Grade Band: Boys: Long-sleeved shirt (any color),
tie, dress pants/slacks, dark shoes, socks (NO SNEAKERS). Girls:
Full-length dress, ankle-length skirt, or slacks with top (no open back or
sleeveless tops; no short skirts), dress shoes. Christmas colors are fine.
**The 1:00 pm performance will be
live streamed for grandparents and friends to
DRESS DOWN- Friday, December 8th- $1 Donations for
local Mentor’s Project
Elementary students
may wear a Christmas sweater/shirt or Viking spirit shirt and jeans for $1
Upcoming Lower School Chapels:
Special Chapel on Thursday, December 14th
@12:05- 4th grade will present.
December 15th – Elementary Christmas
Sing-a-Long @ 10:30 am.
Parents are always welcome to join us in the
Clark Fine Arts Center.
BACKPACK MINISTRIES: The local food bank is low, so please send Vienna
sausages, applesauce, and juice boxes. Thanks for helping as we minister to
needy children in our community.
Please label all jackets, coats,
sweaters, hats, mittens, lunchboxes, etc. All unclaimed/unlabeled items will be removed during the Christmas
holidays. Please check the Lost & Found rack for missing items.
is coming and The Viking Store
has all sorts of items for any-age Viking, including “Viking Bucks” gift cards
available in any amount! Get ready for cooler weather with uniform-approved
outerwear and scarves. We have so many new products including Viking room
decorations, mirrored car tags, Christmas ornaments, jewelry and stuffed bears
wearing a cheerleading uniform or letterman’s jacket. We have lots of stocking
stuffers too! Visit us at
and “like us” on Facebook @ FPD-The Viking Store. Open school days 7:45am-
3:30pm. Located in the MAC near the cafeteria. We are open during most home
Varsity basketball games. We accept credit cards except American Express.
The Viking Store
will be open until 3:30pm on Tuesday, Dec. 13th,
during the Elementary Christmas music program. This is a great time for parents
and grandparents to shop!
for a great gift…. Books! Children that are read to and read with on a daily
basis have a marked increase in their literacy, writing, and comprehension
READING to and with your child every chance you get is one of the
greatest gifts you can give them! We encourage students to always have a book
in their book-bag. Electronics are not allowed during school unless for instruction
(as per our Elementary Handbook.) A great time for AR reading is before or
after school.
DRESS CODE Reminders:
Socks, tights, and leggings should be solid red, white, black or gray. All
accessories (hairbows, headbands, etc) should also be school approved colors.
Boys hair should not cover ears or eyes and should not touch collar.
Class Photographers: If you have photos of your child’s field
trips and other school-related activities to share, please send to your child’s
teacher throughout the year. Thanks so much!
If your child is not on a 3-day or 5-day dining plan, and they eat in the
lunchroom at any time, please email or send a note
to the Elementary Office to let us know so that we may add this charge to your
billing statement.
Thursday, December 14th is a full
day for 3K- 5th grade.
Christmas Sing-a-Long for Lower School (3K- 5th
grade)- Friday, December 15th @ 10:30 am
Last Day of School for 3K- 5th grade
– Friday, December 15th -12 noon dismissal.
No lunch
served. Extended Day is available Friday, December 15th until 6pm.
Please contact Lauren Wrabel if your child will attend.
Holidays for Lower School (3K- 5th grade)- December 18- January 3rd
First Day of School in 2018 – Thursday, January
4, 2018
MLK Holiday – Monday, January 15th,
2018– No School
Please invite your friends to our upcoming FPD
PREVIEW DAY for Prospective Families:
FPD Open House, 3K-12th grade, Sunday,
January 28th, 2018, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in the Clark Fine Arts Center
lobby. If you know anyone that you’d like us to contact, email:
1st Annual Dick
Frame 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run to Benefit ALS
Saturday, January 6th,
Dick Frame Track and Field
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Crystal Project
Today students received information and materials during Science for making "Borax Christmas Crystal Ornaments." These completed crystals will be due by Wednesday, December 6th.
There is a link under "Important Documents" with an explanation of the directions that we went over in class. You can also find it by clicking HERE.
Here is another helpful link to see this experiment firsthand--
Here is another helpful link to see this experiment firsthand--
Lastly, we discussed other materials that can crystallize, including salt, sugar, and ice. Here is a fun activity students may enjoy trying at home as well--
We can't wait to see all of these creative crystals! Completed crystals should be returned to school in a plastic baggie on or before 12/6. Please remind your student to include his/her name on outside of the bag as well. Thanks so much!!!
Chore Money and Brookdale Memory Care
Dear Parents,
In December, the FPD Fourth Grade is planning to create Christmas care packages for the precious folks at Brookdale Memory Care. We have encouraged the students to begin asking you for “extra chores” they may do around the house to earn money to bring to school which will help purchase items for the Christmas care packages. No amount is too small! Children will earn varying amounts. We just want the students to take ownership in this outreach. They are very excited; we are too! We can’t wait to see what big plans God has in store for the students as they reach out and minister to these precious people.
Students need to turn in their money by Wednesday, Dec., 6th. We are planning to purchase items to create these care packages and then have the students take part in putting them together on Tuesday, Dec., 12th. We are planning to visit and deliver the packages on Wednesday morning, Dec., 13th. Our room moms will be contacting you soon about drivers and parents to help pack gift bags.
Thanks for all you do!
Fourth Grade Teachers
In December, the FPD Fourth Grade is planning to create Christmas care packages for the precious folks at Brookdale Memory Care. We have encouraged the students to begin asking you for “extra chores” they may do around the house to earn money to bring to school which will help purchase items for the Christmas care packages. No amount is too small! Children will earn varying amounts. We just want the students to take ownership in this outreach. They are very excited; we are too! We can’t wait to see what big plans God has in store for the students as they reach out and minister to these precious people.
Students need to turn in their money by Wednesday, Dec., 6th. We are planning to purchase items to create these care packages and then have the students take part in putting them together on Tuesday, Dec., 12th. We are planning to visit and deliver the packages on Wednesday morning, Dec., 13th. Our room moms will be contacting you soon about drivers and parents to help pack gift bags.
Thanks for all you do!
Fourth Grade Teachers
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!
The fourth grade team would like to wish all of our boys and girls and their families a Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for each of you and hope that you all have a wonderful day with family and friends. Gobble! Gobble!
Friday, November 17, 2017
Tablet Fun in Math!
Fourth graders spent class time exploring the Everyday Math site and found many interesting things!
Mrs. Putnal's Newsletter

School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
November 16, 2017
Our mission at First Presbyterian Day
School is to educate and equip students
to change the world for God’s glory.
DRESS DOWN DAY: Friday, November 17th, Wear
jeans and a FPD spirit t-shirt OR favorite college team t-shirt. The students
got to watch videos and hear a presentation on Casa Hogar during chapel. $1
donations collected will be sent to help buy washing machines for the
Elementary Christmas
program: The Wonder of Christmas. All children in 1st - 4th
grade, as well as 5th grade Chorus members, will dress in dressy
Christmas wear. No jeans.

Grade Band: Boys: Long-sleeved shirt (any color), tie, dress pants/slacks,
dark shoes, socks (NO SNEAKERS). Girls: Full-length dress, ankle-length
skirt, or slacks with top (no open back or sleeveless tops; no short skirts),
dress shoes. Christmas colors are fine.
**The 1:00 pm performance will be live
streamed for grandparents and friends to view from afar J.
Elementary Chapel -Thursday, Dec. 14th (4th
grade leads) at 12:05 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Please join us!
On Wednesday late
start days, breakfast is available in the MAC Lobby from 7-8:45a. They
have a great selection of delicious breakfast items including an omelet bar.
LUNCH PLAN: If your child is not on a 3-day or
5-day dining plan, and they eat in the lunchroom at any time, please email or send a note to the Elementary Office
to let us know so that we may add this charge to your billing statement. You
may add your child the 3 or 5 day plan at any time by emailing:
LATE ARRIVALS reminder: If your child arrives to
school after 8:15 am (8:50 am on late-start Wednesdays) they should enter
school at the front Elementary office, and they need to sign in as well. Thank
Used Clothing/Uniforms: Please do not donate FPD
monogrammed/printed items to local charities due to security issues.
Gently used items can be donated to the school at any time during the year or
sold at the annual consignment sale at school year end. Even though
Sunshine items are still approved uniform wear they cannot be sold at the
consignment sale, however they can be donated at The Viking Store. Look for
more information for the consignment sale later.
Winter Sale begins
the day we return from Thanksgiving holidays. Select apparel is 20% off –
a few exclusions apply. Let Santa know that every Viking loves a Viking
Bucks card to be used exclusively in The Viking Store. Come see us for
all your Viking Christmas gifts. We are open school days from 7:45a-3:30p
and located just inside the MAC Lobby. Check our website for store hours
during the Christmas holidays.
The Viking Store has a large inventory of Viking
cheerleading uniforms. Also, we now have toddler size short sleeve and
long sleeve shirts.
BACKPACK MINISTRY needs… peanut butter crackers,
jello/pudding cups, tuna packets and Vienna sausages. THANK YOU!
Please… label
all things that your child brings to school - water bottles, coats,
jackets, sweaters lunchboxes, hats, book bags, and all! Please check the Lost
and Found rack in the elementary hallway if you are missing items.
Photographers: If you have
photos of your child’s field trips and other school-related activities to
share, please send to your child’s teacher throughout the year. Thanks so much!
into the Holidays 3”… upcoming dance production by The Madison Studio. Two shows will be performed at FPD’s Clark
Fine Arts Auditorium, Saturday, November 18th @ 2pm and 7pm.
J November
30th- Books with Buddies ..9:30am in
the library. This month come and enjoy
story time and music for children 3k,, PK and K.
*****OPEN HOUSE – Drop-In
Tours…9:30-11:30 3K- 5th grade****
Holidays: November 20th– 24th (Offices closed 22nd -24th)
7th – Elementary Christmas Program (grades 1-5), 1pm & 7pm, in
the Clark Fine Arts Auditorium. 5th Grade Chorus and Band will also
Elementary Chapel -Thursday, Dec. 14th (4th
grade leads) at 12:05 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Please join us!
Friday, December 15th, 10:30 am; Early Dismissal for 3K-5th
. Dismissal 12 noon.
Holidays: December 18th- January 3rd, 2018 (3k- 5th)First
Day of school in 2018: January 4th

We are so thankful for the families, students,
and staff at our school.
Treasure the moments as you make memories with
family and friends over the coming holidays!
May God continue to bless you and your family. May FPD continue to be a
place where we all have an opportunity to show God’s love each and every day.
With a grateful heart,
Wade Putnal
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
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