We are praying you have a safe and restful week away from school with your children. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, April 7th.
"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalm 23:2-3
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
Awesome Parent Conference
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn more about social media and how you, as a parent, can encourage your children to use it safely. This FREE event on April 15th is open to the public, so help spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors!
"Snapchatting, Vining, & Tweeting, Oh My!" A Parent Conference about Raising Children in a Social Media World
Tuesday, April 15th, 6:30 pm, in the FPD Clark Fine Arts Center
For more information: 478.477.6505
Studies show that students as young as elementary school are using social media to communicate on a daily basis. With a multitude of social media apps, each with its own unique terminology, it is challenging for parents to keep up. To assist, First Presbyterian Day School is hosting a social media conference on April 15th The evening will feature Emily Hodge, Interim Director of the University of Georgia Educational TechnologyCenter (ETC), and a panel of FPD students. Hodge will discuss the various social media apps and how parents can encourage safe social media use while also setting a good example. The students will provide first hand knowledge and answer related questions.
has been at the UGA ETC for ten years serving K12 schools in an instructional
technology role. She has a master's degree from UGA in Instructional Technology
and School Library Media as well as a bachelor's degree in Middle Grades
Education. With her experience and education along with her role as mom to two
little girls, Hodge understands the need for technology as well as digital
citizenship education in today'sschools.
event is complimentary and open to the public. It is a great opportunity for
parents, grandparents, and teachers to learn more about social media and how
students are using the technology.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Jekyll Island
Hi! It was great to see so many of you at our parent meeting Monday evening! If you were unable to attend, your child is bringing an information packet home to you today to review. Please note that all parents who are interested in attending as chaperones must complete the form included in the packet and return it to your child's homeroom teacher by Wednesday morning, 3/19/14 in order to be entered in the parent drawing which will be done by Mrs. Putnal.

We are looking forward to a wonderful trip with your children!!! Blessings, The 4th Grade Team
Friday, March 14, 2014
Electricity and Magnetism Questions to Guide You...
Today we had an "enlightening" day discussing the similarities and differences between series and parallel circuits! With our quiz behind us, it's time to look ahead to next Tuesday's test. We have completed a copy of the study guide in class, and it should be located in your child's science section of the 4th grade binder. It is here for your reference as well. Happy studying! I know the students are going to do a wonderful job!
Magnetism and Electricity Study
Name 2 examples of conductors:
______________________________ 2. __________________________
Name two examples of insulators:
______________________________ 4. __________________________
Match each
definition to the correct term:
circuit 5. ____ Any
material that has magnetism
B. magnetic field 6. ____ A path along which negative
charges move
C. electric current 7. ____ When electricity is used to make
a magnet
D. magnet 8. ____ The area around the
poles formed by lines of force
E. electromagnet 9. ____ The flow, or movement, of
negative charges through a conductor.
10. The
drawing shows iron filings sprinkled around two magnets. Label these bar
magnets below. Which one shows North
Pole facing South Pole? Which one shows
North Pole facing North Pole?
Cranes use electromagnets to pick up iron and steel from piles of other
materials. The iron and steel objects are then moved to another area. Explain
why the cranes use electromagnets rather than regular magnets.
12. If
you rub a balloon on your hair, the balloon becomes negatively charged. What
causes this?
______________________ _____________________
Illustrate and label a complete
circuit using a battery (power
source), a wire, and a light bulb (receiver). Label each part.
16. Who invented the usable light bulb?
Who experimented with a kite in a storm to investigate
static electricity and lightning? _______________________
Legend says that Magnus’ sandals stuck to what magnetic
rock? _______________________
Draw 2 bar
magnets below numbers 17 and 18 that would:
17. Repel each other… 18. Attract each other…
All magnets are
attracted to anything made of these materials:
19. __________________ or 20.
Magnets may also
be attracted to these 2 metals:
21. __________________ or 22.
Draw a picture that shows a series circuit that contains wire, a battery, and
two light bulbs.
24. Draw
a second picture that shows a parallel circuit with the same items in it.
***Also, be sure to know all of
the vocabulary/definitions from the vocabulary quiz that we had Wednesday, 3/12/14.***
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Fable Writing on Tablets
This week students have been busy writing their own fables. First, they selected a moral, and then they carefully chose characters and events that could be used to teach the moral. Now, after taking their fables through the writing process, they are publishing their fables in the form of a power point presentation.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Upcoming Events in Science
Hi! Just a reminder that we have an Electricity and Magnetism vocabulary quiz tomorrow (Wednesday, March 12th) and a test next week. The children received their study guide for the quiz last Monday, but I am attaching it here for your convenience as well. The test will be next Tuesday (3/18) so watch for more information coming home about that as well. We will be completing the study guide in class over the next few days. Thanks so much!!!
Vocabulary Study Guide—Electricity and Magnetism
1.Circuit—a path along which negative electrical charges move
2.Conductor—any material that allows negative charges to flow freely through it (examples: wire, metal)
3.Electric Current—the flow or movement of charges through a conductor
4.Electric Motor—a device that uses electricity to make objects move; it contains a spinning electromagnet
5.Electromagnet—a magnet that is made by passing a current through a conductor wrapped around an iron core
6.Generator—a device that changes the energy of motion into electricity; often used to make power when normal power sources fail or cannot work
7.Insulator—any material that does not allow negative charges to flow freely through it (examples: ceramic, cotton oven mitt or potholder)
8.Magnet—an item with magnetism; it has both a north and south pole
9.Bar Magnet—a magnet in the shape of a bar or rectangle, which has its north and south poles at opposite ends
10.Horseshoe Magnet—a magnet in the shape of a horseshoe, which has its north and south poles at each opposite tip
11.Open Circuit—an incomplete path that does not allow electrical current to flow
12.Closed Circuit—a complete path that allows electrical current to flow (if it’s closed, it flows)
13.Static Electricity—an electric charge that collects or builds up on the surface of an object
14.Watt—a unit of measurement for electrical power
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
"Breaking the Force" Magnet Lab
In Science we are currently studying Electricity and Magnetism. Below are just a few pictures of today's lab entitled "Breaking the Force." Students used a balance scale, magnets, washers, and plastic chips to determine how much force it takes to interrupt a magnet's pull on an object. After hypothesizing and experimenting, students graphed their results.
Please also note that on the right hand side of our 4th grade blog, we have uploaded a few videos for you to enjoy. You will see videos of our recent guest speaker from Georgia Power, as well as students working in small groups to make open and closed circuits. We hope you enjoy!
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