Today our 4th graders spread Christmas love and cheer at Brookdale Memory Care. We sang carols and delivered Christmas presents. Enjoy a few pictures of our time together. What a special, meaningful 4th grade memory!!!
BOX TOP COLLECTION ... we reached our goal!!! All 4th graders have earned an extra dress down day and may wear jeans
and a Christmas shirt, sweater or spirit top on Monday! We are so excited! Great job, girls and boys!
Thank you, 4th graders, for working so hard to earn extra chore money this month! Our Christmas gift bags are packed and ready to bless others on our field trip tomorrow!
Parents, the children may wear a red uniform shirt or a red spirit shirt with uniform bottoms, as well as wear a Christmas hat, for tomorrow's trip.
What a sweet time together worshipping and celebrating the Christmas season! We were so happy to have so many parents join us in chapel today. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!
Please see the study guide under Important Documents for next week's Digestion/Manners test on 12/13. We can't wait for you to show us what you know! This test will count for both Science and SS since we have covered this material as a whole during both subjects. Thank you!